
How To Get Feebas Platinum

How do you get Feebas in Pokemon Platinum?

  • Concluding Updated: 30th October, 2021

In guild to take hold of Feebas, you have to become to the Mt. Coronet entrance due west of Celestic Town. Inside, become northward and follow the path until y'all arrive to a lake. This lake is the key of getting Feebas.

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Also know, how exercise you get Feebas to max beauty in platinum?

For this evolution you lot need to capture feebas which is extremely hard and rare. They are at the basement of mt coronet. To evolve this pokemon, you demand to raise its beauty to the max. For that keep feeding it dry poffins and in one case done, you can level information technology up and evolve into milotic.

As well, where can I become Feebas? Feebas can only be found in one location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, and when you get there you'll withal simply have a 1% chance of encountering it. The Gen iii fan favorite can only exist found while fishing in Route 2, specifically in the Lake left of the Professor'due south House.

So, what is the easiest manner to catch Feebas in diamond?

Feebas are only found in one location; the Basement of Mt. Coronet. Notwithstanding, the tricky part is they are merely constitute in 4 random tiles of water that differ in each re-create of Pokemon: Diamond/Pearl. Also, yous must fish for information technology; You can't merely surf around until you notice i.

Can you get Feebas with a good rod?

Any rod will let y'all to catch a Feebas, only the Super Rod only catches Feebas and Carvahna, making it easier to tell if y'all're successful or not. Fish in a design. Starting time at the top of the river, and move back and forth equally you make your way s. Brand sure to finish at every tile possible.

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  • Lovie Leibenguth
  • Professional person

How do I raise Feebas beauty?

Feebas evolves in a unique manner: You must get its Beauty rating to 170, and then accept information technology grow a level. The main problem is that in that location is no numerical representation of your Pokemon'due south Dazzler rating. The simply way to raise Beauty is by feeding Feebas Blue or Indigo PokeBlocks.

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  • Eliseo Lindenbauer
  • Explainer

How long does it take to evolve Feebas?

It evolves from Feebas, which is reminiscent of Magikarp. Dissimilar Gyarados and Magikarp candy, though, It doesn't take 400 Feebas candy to evolve Milotic. It just takes 100.

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  • Mellissa Caselli
  • Explainer

How practise I get Pamtre Berry?

You can get Pamtre Berries by going to the Berry Master's married woman and telling her the phrase "Claiming Contest" (the give-and-take "contest" appears after you lot vanquish the Aristocracy Four). Only so y'all know, you can but get one Pamtre Berry this mode.

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  • Gala El Aissati
  • Explainer

How practice you brand Pokeblocks?

Pokeblocks are created past mixing certain color Berries together in the Pokeblock Kit. The Pokeblock Kit volition be given to you by Lisia the beginning time you lot meet in Slateport City. Pokeblocks will increase a Pokemon's Coolness, Beauty, Cuteness, Toughness, or Cleverness depending on the color and types of Berries used.

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  • Edda Bernadette
  • Pundit

How exercise y'all get dry Poffins in Pokemon Platinum?

Secondly, yous volition need some berries, and these can be establish all over the world. To showtime making Poffin, visit the Poffin House, just due south of the Pokemon Center in Hearthome City, and talk to the lady continuing in front of the tabular array with a weird contraption on top of it. Making Poffin is relatively simple.

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  • Ibrahime Velikov
  • Pundit

How do you evolve Feebas in Oras?

Yous can use either method to evolve Feebas into Milotic in ORAS; trade it while holding a Prism Scale or level it up when it's Beauty condition is high enough. > Feebas also has a rather unique method to evolve into its final development, in fact it has ii of them.

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  • Keenan Munita
  • Pundit

How practise yous catch Feebas in Pearl?

how to grab feebas: follow the path similar in the video, go to the lake and.. hope! feebas tin can appear in very few squares of water in all the lake, effort line-fishing 5/vi times every foursquare. if you are in the right point you must see one.

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  • Marien Prudent
  • Pundit

How do yous evolve Feebas?

To evolve Feebas, players must trade the Water-type while it's belongings a Prism Scale. In Pokémon Sword and Shield, the particular can be plant in the water in the lake on Route 2, where Feebas is located. Similarly, players can discover a Prism Scale hidden in the water of the South Lake Miloch department of the Wild Expanse.

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  • Ellyn Palmier
  • Pundit

How practice I know which tiles have Feebas?

Feebas appears in 6 arbitrary water tiles on Route 119 appearing l% of the fourth dimension inside those tiles using any angling rod. An piece of cake way to see it is to test every water tile on the route a couple times. Make certain yous exam each tile near 3 times.

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  • Margorie Soosten
  • Instructor

How do you evolve Feebas in Gen 4?

Feebas evolves into Milotic when leveled up with its Dazzler condition high plenty in Generation Iii and IV. A Pokémon will have its Beauty status raised when fed Pokéblocks or Poffins made with Berries that take a dry out flavor.

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  • Mattia Jemma
  • Teacher

How do you lot get Milotic in Pokemon Diamond?

Later catching a feebas go to hearthhome urban center, and make alot of dry poffins. Feed you feebas the poffins, and later on it is almost full beauty. It should evolve into a milotic. P.S. Milotic is a very very strong Pokemon if information technology knows the right moves information technology can take downwards eliete four all alone.

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  • Romero Obaldia-Salazar
  • Reviewer

Where do you go the super rod in Pokemon Pearl?

In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, along with Platinum, the Super Rod is given to the player by a fisherman in the Fight Surface area. Information technology can only be obtained in one case the Sinnoh Pokédex is completed.

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  • Aparicio Espelta
  • Reviewer

Is Feebas rare in Pokemon become?

Yes, feebas is quite rare. Common plenty when y'all are by the water and then more so when its raining.

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  • Shirlene Urvoy
  • Reviewer

Tin can yous brood Feebas?

You will need to breed a female Feebas with a compatible male Pokémon, with either parent knowing the egg move in question. Alternatively, if you already take a Feebas with the egg motion it tin can breed with Ditto.

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  • Aissatu Ramsay
  • Supporter

Can you lot evolve Feebas just by walking?

The Buddy Evolutions are uncommon in Pokemon Go, but it is natural because Feebas requires a high "Beauty" condition before it can evolve. Yous take to walk Feebas as your buddy for 20km and have 100 candy to evolve it to Milotic. It takes 5km to get a candy with Feebas every bit your buddy.

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  • Ishfaq Questroy
  • Supporter

Where do y'all catch Feebas Swsh?

Pokemon Sword and Shield Feebas location

You lot tin can pick up this fishy friend on Route 2 in the water west of the Professor'southward House, but the spawn chance is absolutely dreadful and yous need the Rotom Bike upgrade that lets yous cantankerous water, so expect to spend some time in that location once you're far enough into the game.

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  • Serezade Zocobure
  • Supporter

How do you lot catch Feebas in Pokemon go?

Evolving a Feebas might be more difficult, but at least you already take one from the last stage. To evolve it, you'll need to walk 20 km, and go 100 Feebas candies. All the same, those xx km will merely get you lot 4 candies, and then exist prepared to walk a lot longer, catch a lot more than Feebas, or stockpile rare candies.

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  • Wei Huther
  • Beginner

How do you get Feebas in Pokemon sword?

Follow the shore to where you lot tin can enter the water on your bike, and become to the island in the center. 1 there, you should see 2 fishing spots. Feebas will spawn in either of these, and the spots respawn pretty quickly after you fish up something, so y'all can actually simply stand up in 1 place.

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  • Muhamad Christoffer
  • Beginner

Is Milotic a practiced Pokemon?

Milotic is a not bad addition to the metagame, withal, it is not equally powerful every bit a Waterfall Gyarados. With strong stats, expert motility puddle variety and admission to Waterfall, Milotic tin be a good replacement for Vaporeon and Gyarados. However, as explained below, Milotic makes for a solid Dragon slayer.

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  • Mirjana Kane–Cohen
  • Beginner

Which Pokemon y'all need to walk to evolve?

The merely pokemon that actually require you to walk them for evo purposes is Feebas and so Eevee for evolving into Espeon and Umbreon (atm anyway).

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  • Edson Goodall
  • Beginner

How do you get a Milotic in Emerald?

Yous can make Pokéblocks using these berries: Pomegranate and Corn. Make certain you get more beauty stats from using right berry since any Pokémon tin eat 12 Pokeblocks at max. Start battling until it levels up. It should evolve into a Milotic.

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  • Yago Garbin
  • Beginner

Where practise I get the Super Rod?

In the Hoenn region, the Super Rod is given to the player if they visit the northernmost house in Mossdeep Urban center. In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (which are updated remakes of Generation I), the Super Rod can be obtained at the same location as the starting time generation.

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  • Nanuli Regato
  • Beginner

Where are the Feebas tiles in Emerald?

Feebas is only obtainable on a combined vi TILES on road 119, w of Foretree City. Now, these 6 tiles are always random, merely you tin can change the locations of them by talking to the girl in Lilycove City'due south Pokemon Fan Gild, merely I persaonlly see no reason for that.

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  • Aldair Truchuelo
  • Beginner

How do y'all get a Milotic?

Milotic Location in Pokemon Sword & Shield: You lot can find Milotic in the following locations: From evolving Feebas (which is an ultra rare catch). Y'all must requite Feebas the "Prism Scale" evolution item and trade it with another histrion locally or through internet. So it triggers the evolution during the trade.

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  • Floricel Brac
  • Beginner

How do you lot get a super rod in Emerald?

There are three rods in the game:

  1. Old Rod - This can be obtained from the fisherman near the Dewford Town gym.
  2. Good Rod - This tin be obtained from the fisherman on the right side of the river on Route 118.
  3. Super Rod - This can exist obtained from the fisherman living in the house on the northern cliff in Mossdeep City.

How To Get Feebas Platinum,


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