
What Is The Best Pokémon

Spanning cards, games, movies, comics, and other miscellaneous forms of media, Pokémon is a cross-platform powerhouse that's made an indelible impact upon pop culture. Hundreds of Pokémon accept been released over the decades, and it was quite a challenge quantifying the value of each i. Nonetheless, here are the best of the Pokédex, our top 100 Pokémon.


100. Pachirisu

Every generation of Pokémon has some Pikachu clone trying to emulate its profound cuteness, but none of them take gone on to win the World'south Championship like this fiddling riveting rodent. Pachirisu was used in a surprising strategy that allowed Se Jun Park, a professional player from Korea, seal the bargain and win the Masters division of 2014. It just goes to bear witness that in the right easily any Pokémon tin can be a valuable teammate.


99. Altaria

The cuddliest Pokémon you ever saw, Altaria is equally soft as a pillow to Trainers information technology's comfortable with. A Dragon Pokémon with wings fabricated of clouds, it seems like this monster would be the coziest companion to have effectually. Its Mega Evolution is the but Dragon type allowed to other dragon attacks, which makes it a powerful ally in battles confronting powerful Pokémon similar Dragonite.


98. Magnezone

Magnemite'south final development may seem fairly silly with its giant center eye simply information technology's the perfect bait to trap other Steel types. Magnezone's power Magnet Pull makes Steel Pokémon unable to switch out trapping them while its partner deals out impairment. It likewise helps that the unique typing of Electric/Steel gives Magnezone xi different resistances.


97. Pangoro

If every school needs a delinquent then Pangoro is definitely belatedly for class. This Pokémon has more in common with an anime anti-hero than a pocket monster with moves consisting of punches and taunts. This tough exterior means it won't put upward with bullying simply it's vehement temperament means that saving the victim could get messy.


96. Electrode

Role-playing games typically have a treasure mimic that pretends to be an particular until the player springs the trap. The Voltorb evolution line duped plenty of players into thinking they were picking up an particular rather than an angry orb much to their chagrin. Information technology was a mean trick for Game Freak to pull, but this classic bait-and-switch was one of the get-go ways that Pokémon felt alive. Electrode has gone on to bring its explosive personality to other games, helping players in Pokémon Snap, Pokkén Tournament and even Super Smash Bros.


95. Escavalier

Trading has been a giant component of Pokémon since its inception. Many monsters require special weather to evolve during trading with Escavalier's being the nearly specific. A Karrablast must exist traded for a Shelmet in guild to get this Problems/Steel hybrid. During the process Karrablast steals the beat out off its compatriot and then while it isn't the most elegant fashion, it forces Trainers to work together if they desire to grab them all.


94. Rhydon

Rhyhorn may exist a bulky monster but it has nothing on the fearsome Rhydon. This Pokémon is able to ram through uncut diamonds and withstand magma thank you to its thick hide. Rhydon is as well technically the outset Pokémon as the initial concept drawings featured the monster prominently. Although information technology can evolve into the mighty Rhyperior, information technology's difficult to forget just how influential Rhydon was to the series.


93. Togepi

Back before the second generation was revealed, Togepi was used equally a literal Easter egg. What started as a mysterious egg in the anime turned out to be this cute little monster. Later on information technology hatched information technology would near always do one of two things: apply Metronome or cry. Togepi was also ane of the master stars of Pikachu's Vacation, a short moving picture shown before the first Pokémon movie.


92. Houndoom

For many Pokémon, the terminate of the battle is the terminate of the hurting which is what makes Houndoom so scary. Its Pokédex entries state that "if the flames it shoots from its rima oris cause a burn, the pain will hurt forever." This seems strange to point out considering most burns proceed to hurt well after they heal, but information technology's not a stretch to think that it may be hellfire this Cerberus inspired bone dog is spewing.


91. Milotic

The ugly duckling story gets a unique twist in the earth of Pokemon. Milotic starts off as the uglier than clay Feebas but if you manage to max out its beauty stat, it becomes a "breath-takingly cute" water blazon with fairly decent stats. While the way that Feebas has evolved has inverse over the years, this original gimmick managed to both explicate a new game mechanic and create a unique critter.

90. Drifloon

In a world that 10 yr olds go on unsupervised adventures around the world, Drifloon is the ultimate predator. It pretends to exist a airship while it waits for a hapless child to endeavour to grab onto one of its hands. As soon as 1 does, Drifloon snatches them into the afterlife. Just brand certain you don't endeavor to popular Drifloon as it soul volition spew out with a screaming sound.


89. Machamp

The original strongman of the Pokémon earth, Machamp is a monster like no other. Sporting 4 arms and skin that looks similar pants, this Pokémon forth helped instill the importance of trading in this series. Recently Machamp took on a much more muted part, acting every bit the HM Strength in Sun/Moon while cradling the thespian in its giant easily.


88. Tyrantrum

In the hierarchy of fossilized Pokémon, Tyrantrum ruled equally king. Its ability Strong Jaw powers upwardly any move that uses the oral fissure which fits correct in with this T-Male monarch royalty. Tyrantrum might have a pretty not bad design just unfortunately the role it fills is meliorate met by Garchomp, leaving this dragon to be more of a prince than a male monarch.


87. Crobat

Zubat and other Pokémon like it accept been a thorn in the side of near every Trainer on their mode to beating the Elite Four. The worst part is that most of these encounters can feel pointless every bit these Pokémon rarely accolade much experience and don't fare well in boxing even if they're on your team. Crobat changed all that by making the obnoxious Zubat evolution line suddenly viable with a fast attacker that can zoom past an opponent'south defences with the right power. Now if simply the other pests could learn to follow arrange.

86. Vikavolt

Sometimes the design of a Pokémon can tell yous what it is at first glance. Vikavolt is an Electrical/Bug blazon that's lightning fast (pun intended) that may be based off the ships from Galaga. There are plenty of new Electric Pokémon that outclass it but this little bug that can take out whatsoever bird of prey.


85. Talonflame

Talonflame'due south ability Gale Wings defined the competitive scene for 10/Y . It gave all flying type moves extra priority allowing Talonflame to outspeed nearly everything with devastating results. It didn't get to spend likewise much fourth dimension in the spotlight though as it was altered heavily in Lord's day/Moon so that Talonflame had to be at full HP to use the ability, reducing Gale Wings to zip more than a pretty gimmick.


84. Smeargle

To the role player not thinking outside of the box a Pokémon like Smeargle might seem fairly ordinary. Its signature movement Sketch can copy the last movement the opponent used permanently which can lead to some devastating combinations when used finer. Smeargle can use this to acquire any motion in the game, assuasive it to get into some absolutely ridiculous shenanigans though it isn't powerful enough to last more than a few turns.


83. Mudkip

The well-nigh popular Pokémon meme centered around this adorable Water starter. What began as a style to recruit people to a fan-board went viral when it was picked up by Anonymous as a call-sign. The meme eventually peaked in Apr 2008 but not before condign a worldwide joke about how "I herd u liek mudkipz."


82. Porygon

This poor polygonal Pokémon might've gotten famous for all the wrong reasons. Commencement it started out as a prize in a shady casino lead by the evil Team Rocket, then its anime debut was banned when the surging beyond the screen caused over 700 Japanese people to experience seizure or seizure-like symptoms. Despite that, Porygon and its other forms are fairly versatile in combat, so while they may never get much screentime, they are central to much of the metagame.


81. Palossand

The Pokémon world is a cruel place where even sandcastles can be deadly predators. Palossand camouflages itself as a normal pile of sand until someone tries to pick upwardly the shovel on its head, which information technology so uses to command them to get them to build into a bigger castle. If that wasn't scary enough, information technology uses the same trick to surprise prey simply instead their despair spills onto the sand and becomes the offspring for this terror of the embankment.


fourscore. Castform

Back when weather furnishings were fairly new to the Pokemon series, information technology was more difficult to convey exactly what they did. Castform managed to communicate that quite well with adorable transformations depending on the current weather in-game. This helped players dig deeper to find the strategies that take been prevalent in the games ever since.


79. Tyranitar

Plenty of Pokémon seem to be able to summon a cataclysmic event, but Tyranitar'due south Pokédex entries make it sound like rampaging kaiju. It is said that anytime this Pokémon goes on a rampage information technology physically changes the surroundings, forcing scientists to redraw maps as it topples mountains and buries rivers. This is akin to most natural disasters making this pseudo-legendary the closest thing the Pokémon world has to Godzilla.


78. Tapu Koko

One of the isle guardians in Alola has become a powerful part of the meta-game virtually overnight. This Pokémon is able to outspeed almost everything in Dominicus/Moon as well Mega Evolutions, making it a powerful sweeper. While its coverage isn't that great, Tapu Koko's dual-typing of Electric/Fairy allows it to fight a big corporeality of Pokémon and still do respectable impairment.


77. Sableye

This tiny gem eater went 3 generations of Pokémon games before having any real weakness. Fairy types well-nigh put a terminate to this reign of terror, but then Mega Sableye's ability Magic Bounce made it one of the most reliable support Pokémon to use in the Uber tier. This Sealed Sableye's fate of always beingness a cut above regular Pokémon, which is impressive for ane that doesn't fifty-fifty evolve.


76. Eelektross

The Pokémon battle system is all most checks and balances, though there is one pocket monster that bucks this trend. Eelektross doesn't technically accept a weakness since it's an Electric-blazon that tin levitate over most Ground-type moves. Certain there are even so a few that can hitting this menace but it's they're specialized and are ordinarily thrown away in favor for Convulsion, a stronger ground move. While non invincible, this electric eel is an unusual footnote that usually has to get taken out by brute forcefulness lone.


75. Shuckle

Some designs are just patently weird. Shuckle is a stringy turtle that for some reason can turn berries into juice, so plough that in a Rare candy if given enough time. If that wasn't foreign enough it has the virtually varied stats across the board, with sky-high defense marred by the lowest attack, speed, and hit points. Maybe it'southward like this because fifty-fifty Shuckle has no idea what it's doing.


74. Kabutops

This shellfish Pokémon would be scary to come across in real life. Kabutops evolved to walk on country in order to follow its prey, which it would beginning piece up with its behemothic scythes before draining the trunk of its fluids. Scary as that may sound, this horror pic monster isn't terribly powerful in real boxing which leaves it lacking in practical use.


73. Zoroark

Ditto might've been the beginning imitator, but Zoroark turned it into an art form. This clever fox tin pretend to be whatever of the other Pokemon on your squad causing so much confusion that the official Pokemon tournament had to add a new rule to stave off the shenanigans. And so while players can't proper name their Pokemon afterwards any other monster at present, at least they don't have to worry almost this tricky monster from taking them completely by surprise.


72. Azumarill

No one could've foreseen but how much the fairy subtype would impact this h2o mouse from the 2nd generation of Pokémon games. Suddenly this forgettable monster became a powerhouse that could one-striking knock out almost whatever other Pokémon when combined with its ability Huge Power and a Choice Band. This strategy dominated the competitive scene for Ten/Y to the point that if you weren't using it, yous were probably fighting someone who did.


71. Magcargo

Many of the Pokémon on this listing have adequately grounded reasons for being hither, only this fire snail hinges on the bizarre. Magcargo'south internal temperature is supposed to exist most twice equally hot as the sun, then information technology should burn literally anything that touches it. Flames erupt from whatever holes in its beat, turning anywhere that Magcargo inhabits into a wink fire zone. This tremendously scary process is just 1 of the reasons moving to the Pokémon globe might not be the best idea.


70. Yveltal

If life's a stage than Yveltal is going to brand the grandest go out. When it dies, this omen of the stop will steal the lifeforce from every living matter around information technology before sheltering up in a cocoon for a millennium. This would be the end of all life in the earth of Pokémon, making Yveltal the deadliest pocket monster to ever be.


69. Bidoof

This bucktooth beavis gets the honor for dorkiest Pokémon of all time. Just ane expect at this beaver and you tin can tell that it probably won't stay on your team for long. While many trainers threw away their first Bidoof, others grew attached and started a small following praising this articulate underdog proving that it isn't always well-nigh having the strongest Pokémon if you're all the same having fun.


68. Ditto

Behind every pro player is a Ditto who worked tirelessly to help churn out their winning squad. It may not be the most graceful job merely since this blob has the ability to breed with whatsoever other Pokémon, it'south become ane of the most important ways to make a tournament prepare team. Not to mention that Ditto tin can imitate annihilation it comes into contact with, though it keeps those dopey looking optics for added cuteness.


67. Aegislash

A sword possessed by a ghost, Aegislash is said to be able to sense who is destined to be king like a Pokémon version of Excalibur. Aegislash is one of the only Pokémon that can crusade a match to get on forever since it can acquire both King'south Shield and Protect, which nullify all physical damage. Information technology is likewise resistant or immune to 12 different types of Pokémon, making information technology a powerful wall even without those ii moves. These factors have banned it from everything simply the most loftier tier play, where it faces off against legendaries and other powerful Pokémon.


66. Jolteon

Players of the original generation of Pokémon games didn't take a lot of options when information technology came to knocking out Psychic types. The 3 ghosts and near of the bugs were dual/type with Poison, pregnant the psionic monsters could have them out with ease. The only promise lied on Jolteon since information technology was fast and could learn the Bug-blazon motion Pin Missile. This unexpected strategy didn't last long as Dark types were introduced in the next set of games, but it was integral during Pokémon's formative years, pedagogy players to recollect outside the box to create the amazing plays nosotros see to this day.


65. Ho-oh

Said to bring good luck to whoever sees it, Ho-oh was the first 2d generation Pokémon revealed, though no ane knew what it was at the time. Ho-oh is based on a phoenix and it is indirectly implied in the 2nd generation of Pokémon games that it revived the legendary dogs after they burned to death in a fire. The box art mascot for Pokémon Gold this legendary bird was featured on a ton of promotional fabric during the mid-2000s.


64. Bewear

At offset glance this cute bear looks fairly normal but information technology's actually terrifyingly potent. Bewear doesn't know its ain strength then information technology constantly snaps the spine of anyone it tries to give a acquit hug to. This predicament is ane Team Rocket finds themselves in every week now, as Bewear hugs have replaced their trademark exit of diggings off into the sky. If information technology were whatsoever other show, this would brand Bewear seem like the crazed serial killer trying to catch its casualty, though the anime has conveyed that in the horrific entrances this love starved teddy makes.


63. Arcanine

Dog lovers everywhere flocked to Arcanine, a loyal burn type that's big enough to ride on. Arcanine'south Pokédex entries are one of the only ones to reference a real place, saying that it appears to be a legendary Pokémon in China. When Pokémon Go beginning released Arcanine was one of the strongest obtainable Pokémon with a higher potential for Combat Points, the fashion the mobile game determines ability. While many people were sad to run into it non get an Alolan course, Arcanine continues to exist a fan favorite.


62. Glalie

The armor that covers Glalie'south face is proof of its prowess over ice. In fact this Pokémon can freely freeze any moisture in the air, which is how Glalie captures its prey before eating them in a "leisurely fashion." Unfortunately for Mega Glalie the energy involved breaks its jaw though that doesn't stop information technology from hunting.


61. Steelix

One of the first Steel types, Steelix made quite the archway equally the development of Onix. Its design feels similar a natural evolution for the stone serpent, turning into an metallic giant from the aggregating of iron in its stomach. While it may not be keen for competitive play, Mega Steelix looks fifty-fifty cooler, with large chunks of metallic floating around it and behemothic diamond spikes jutting from its sides.


60. Slowpoke

Poor Slowpoke here has gotten the short terminate of the stick, being referred to as the "dopey" Pokémon and being the abiding butt of jokes. Many of its Pokédex entries refer to how long it takes to feel pain or nigh recently in Moon, it is talked about how Slowpoke tail is a delicacy. This was referenced in Gilt/Silver when Team (rocket had a plan to sell off the tails every bit food, but information technology turns out the problem was they were stealing rather than the cruelty to this beast. Information technology too starred in a extremely unsettling official music video where information technology munches on other Slowpoke tails and turns its head slowly toward the camera.


59. Scizor

Scyther may have giant scythes for hands, but Scizor is the truly terrifying Pokémon. Able to crush any object in its metal pincers, Scizor is a powerfully fast Pokémon that's just weak to Fire types. Mega Scizor is fifty-fifty scarier equally its twin pincers morph into two behemothic scissors able to rip anything to shreds. Though it has since fallen from grace, Scizor dominated the competitive scene for a while with its unbridled ability just outmatched by its blazing speed.


58. Yamask

Some Pokédex entries are simply besides creepy to ignore. The mask that this Pokémon holds is the its face from its by life every bit a human and information technology retains all the memories from that past life. Sure in that location are plenty of Pokédex entries that talk about the grotesque only none of them suggest that lilliputian Timmy didn't just go out and take hold of Grandma's soul before making it fight a Charmander then Yamask gets the vote on creepy factor solitary.


57. Vivillon

Pokémon has been a worldwide phenomenon but it was never reflected in the games. Game Freak changed that by introducing this butterfly in X/Y, which is a different blueprint depending on which geographical region your 3DS is set to. There are twenty different variants to grab of Vivillon, requiring player to work together around the earth if they truly want to grab them all.


56. Empoleon

No other starter is quite equally versatile equally Empoleon. The unique typing of H2o/Steel give it 10 different type resistances and it was able to learn almost every HM when they mattered. This monster is usually set-up as a defensive wall since it checks many Water and Fairy types with its impressive bulk. Its name sounds like it should evolve from an Eevee though a better explanation might exist that Empoleon could be based on Napoleon Bonaparte.


55. Gliscor

Usually tanky Pokémon effort to avoid any status ailments they can but Gliscor really benefits from it. I of its abilities is Poison Heal which allows it to recoup health when other Pokémon would lose it. A 4x weakness to ice moves keeps this from being likewise overpowered simply otherwise this solid tank can stall for every bit long as it needs to.


54. Hawlucha

Masked wrestlers have an air of mystery and bravado that was past down to this Pokémon that may take the flying press a little besides literally. The only Fighting/Flying blazon e'er made, Hawlucha could cover a lot of ground if its stats were just a little ameliorate. Still information technology has become a fan-favorite due to its origins in lucha libre and its bravery even in the face up of giants like Machamp or Hariyama.


53. Omanyte

Sometime in 2014 a social experiment on Twitch had thousands of people all trying to play a single version of Pokémon Red at the same fourth dimension. In this unbridled chaos a joke arose from the amount of times everyone would accidentally become into the inventory and check the Helix Fossil. This joke evolved from a meme into a organized religion in the sixteen days information technology took an estimated 1.16 million people to vanquish the game, complete with "Lord Helix" as their god and Pigeot every bit a euphemism for Jesus. You lot can notwithstanding notice people making jokes and selling merchandise featuring this explosive effect, fifty-fifty iii years later.


52. Silvally

The existence of Silvally has some dark implications for the globe of Pokémon. Its similarities to Arceus are likewise blatant to ignore, with both having similar body types and powers. What makes this spooky is that Silvally is human being-made while Arceus is a god, though the cloning procedure left it with some flaws. Silvally isn't nearly as powerful every bit the creator of the Pokémon earth and must evolve before it can change its typing. With Mewtwo and Silvally both beingness created rather than built-in, it makes y'all wonder what other horrors the researchers of the Pokémon globe will manufacture.


51. Tauros

Back in the days of Ruby-red/Blue this tri-tailed balderdash was giving everyone a difficult time. A diverse movepool made Tauros mildly useful but the big gain came from the insane damage it would get from using Hyper Beam. A glitch in the original trilogy made information technology so Pokémon didn't take to recharge later knocking out another ane with this motility, making Tauros a frightful powerhouse to be reckoned with.


fifty. Chandelure

Ghost Pokémon never disappoint when it comes to creepy Pokédex entries. Chandelure's fire runs on the souls it consumes, which are then forced to wander the world forever with no idea where they're going. It's a frightful fashion to see your end, which is shown off spectacularly in Pokkén Tournament. In this spin-off game Chandelure is a potent threat, hitting foes from afar with debuffs before absorbing their souls with its finishing motion Final Flicker.


49. Ferrothorn

One of the nigh popular picks for a tank in the competitive Pokémon metagame, Ferrothorn is i of the best at throwing out entry-hazards. Moves like Spikes and Stealth Rock force an opponent to think about the Pokémon they switch in. Ferrothorn is fairly beefy too and is able to have hits from near everything except fire moves.


48. Giratina

This giant dragon seems similar the standard fare for a ghost-type legendary until the Pokédex brings to lite its devilish backstory. Giratina was apparently banished from our globe into a "reverse earth" for its violence, still other Pokédex entries talk virtually sucking out the insides of your prey like a smoothie similar it'southward no large deal. It'southward here that this monster took on an Altered form and began to rule its new domain. With it being referred to as the "Renegade Pokémon," it's hard to divorce it from a similar mythical story.


47. Espurr

Just one look at this tiny cat and you lot can tell that it has seen some things or that's what the cyberspace believed when this Pokémon leaked before the release of Ten/Y. It gained a cult post-obit nearly overnight due to its strange optics and apparent apathy. It went on to serve every bit a key plot point in the biggest piece of post-game content in X/Y, cementing information technology as a fan-favorite.


46. Heracross

Hercules beetles are known for their strength, and then it's no surprise that Heracross can become one of the strongest Pokémon bachelor. Mega Heracross has the highest set on stat of any normal Pokémon, coming just behind Mega Mewtwo X in raw power. Combine this with its ability Skill Link and Mega Heracross can plough a couple tiny attacks into massive onslaughts that can overwhelm opponents.


45. Heatran

There is certainly no shortage of legendary Pokemon on this list, merely Heatran is exceptional for other reasons. This molten menace is one of the only legendaries which can take a gender although it withal cannot brood. Information technology is as well the only Burn/Steel type always created, giving it a powerful niche to fill. This Pokemon is allowed in most competitive rulesets due to it'south lower stats and 4x weakness to Ground moves. So while this may not be the near epic legendary, information technology'due south probably one y'all can get the near use out of.


44. Serperior

One of the about regal of starters, this male monarch snake was popular before it was even shown thanks to its pre-evolution being dubbed "Smugleaf" before its name was revealed. After this ridiculous commencement, it was revealed that Serperior tin have the hidden ability known as "Contrary," which makes things that normally lower its stats to heighten them instead. So not only can this regal reptilian laugh in the confront of any opponent that tries to lower it stats, Serperior can also use powerful moves that normally weaken the user like Leaf Storm with reckless abandon.


43. Wishiwashi

No Pokémon go through such a drastic alter equally Wishiwashi. Its Solo Course has the weakest stats of all Pokémon while its Schooling Class is in the same league as some of the toughest Pokémon around. This powerful course is fairly threatening "demon of the ocean" that frightens even the mighty Gyarados proving that sometimes at that place's strength in numbers.


42. Shedinja

Obtaining this creepy Pokemon is tricky but wonderfully unique. The only mode you tin acquire this expressionless-eyed ghost bug is by having an empty slot in your party while evolving a Nincada. While the original monster goes on to become a Ninjask, the skin that it molted becomes Shedninja, the only Bug/Ghost Blazon. Novelty aside, this little critter has the ability Wonder Guard which makes it immune to 13 different Pokemon types. It only has i hit point though and so it's not terribly game changing but it'due south merely kooky plenty to brand it onto this list.


41. Rattata

This behemothic purple rat may seem like nothing more than than an annoyance, but it inspired 1 of the most ridiculous strategies to ever grace the Pokemon series. The F.E.A.R strategy requires four things: an detail called Focus Sash, the moves Attempt and Quick Set on, and finally Rattata. This extremely silly game plan won't work long on whatsoever man players, just can technically beat any Pokemon in the game. Who always knew that Joey'due south Rattata really could exist in the top percentage?


xl. Metagross

The Pokémon equivalent of a supercomputer, Metagross has four unlike brains that it uses to process information. Information technology is however a brutal monster known for pinning downwards prey with its four arms while it eats its victim with the mouth on its tum. Mega Metagross is even more violent as eight brains make up one's mind to achieve victory by any means necessary. In Super Smash Bros Metagross is far less violent, only using Earthquake to knock enemies off their feet.


39. Zapdos

No i can forget the legendary bird trio with their Castilian influenced names. They appeared in the 2nd Pokémon movie that tied properly introduced the 2d generation and appeared in numerous side games. Withal just 1 of them is still used to this day, with Zapdos able to take on a powerful role on any team thank you to its Electric typing which is also the reason it tin technically beat out the other two in a fight. Information technology can also create thunderstorms with a beat of its wings, turning information technology into an virtually literal representation of the Butterfly Effect.


38. Salamence

Salamence has been a powerful pseudo-legendary since its introduction in Red/Sapphire. Mega Evolutions kicked information technology upwards a notch, making this dragon even more powerful merely making it look ridiculous in the process. Its wings plow into a crescent and it'due south personality gets lost to the anger in its eye, so fifty-fifty the Trainer in charge of information technology is in danger of losing their life.


37. Mew

The ancestor of all Pokémon, Mew is an adorably playful cat-similar creature with amazing psychic powers. It was then sought afterward in the Pokémon world that scientists attempted to clone it, resulting in the cosmos of Mewtwo. Mew is said to contain the genetic composition of all Pokémon then it is able to acquire most every move available. It has been incredibly rare, only distributed by Nintendo a few times during the series existence. Mew costarred with its clone in the commencement Pokémon film and fans who waited in line were given a special Aboriginal Mew carte to marking the occasion. Information technology also served as the "boss" in Pokémon Snap, using a forcefulness field to go along the camera from catching it. While it is uncertain whether Mew was the ancestor Pokémon, it was the first trademark that Game Freak always filed.


36. Skarmory

This metal menace has been a sturdy tank in competitive play for generations of Pokémon games. It'southward mostly a support Pokémon that players apply to set up-up entry hazards that tin can hound the opponent's team for the entire match if left alone. Skarmory isn't without its weaknesses though, with pop picks from Fire and Electric types able to turn through it with ease. Still no one Pokémon is perfect but with Skarmory you lot're almost always guaranteed a challenge. If all else fails you can go medieval and apply its feathers like swords.


35. Gardevoir

Dazzler and grace striking your face up with this Psychic/Fairy hybrid. Many people accept fallen in dearest with this Pokémon, though information technology might not exist safe to Google it. While it has seen fallen to the wayside in the original games, Gardevoir is a powerful contender in Pokkén Tournament. In this other world Pokémon brawler Gardevoir is able to hit opponents from afar using its psychic powers like Foresight. In Super Smash Bros. these abilities are used to create a shield that neutralizes free energy blasts. No thing what the game is, Gardevoir has managed to enthrall players with its powers.

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34. Alolan Marowak

Nothing cemented the deviousness of Team Rocket like when you hear that they killed Marowak while trying to capture it. This tragic story defines is fabricated even worse by the fact that every Cubone wears it's departed mother's skull to all the same be close to her. This is all terribly sad until Alolan Marowak comes onto the scene because of information technology's new ghost sub-type. Cubone tin finally stay with its mom, creating a happy catastrophe to an otherwise orphaned monster.


33. Rotom

This inconspicuous ghost is the merely one where possessing objects affects how it battles. Household appliances that Rotom spirits into give it admission to new attacks and even change its type. This has caused it to explode in the competitive scene, particularly Rotom-Wash whose electrical/water typing is a formidable combination. More recently this Pokémon played a fundamental office in Sun/Moon, where it possessed the Pokédex, helping out the thespian and dishing out some of the darkest entries to appointment.


32. Arceus

If Mew is the ancestor of all Pokémon, and then Arceus is the ane who started it all in the start place. The Pokédex states that this mythical horse "shaped the universe with its 1,000 artillery" and that it "was built-in before the universe fifty-fifty existed," although in contempo games these are prefaced with that this is co-ordinate to Sinnoh mythology. Outside of the lore, it'due south possible for Arceus to be whatsoever type of Pokémon depending on the item it is holding and its signature move Judgement also reflects this alter. While it'south debatable which came beginning, the Arceus or the Mew, it'southward a terrifying thought that this creator god tin exist caught by a 10 year erstwhile.


31. Weavile

Fast sweepers tin be fairly important in a game like Pokémon. Weavile is all-time used as a "revenge killer," taking out other Pokémon after the opponent'southward have already been damaged. This tactic is of import equally competitive fights tin can get drawn out as each team slowly gets chipped abroad. Weavile's agility is likewise on display in Pokkén Tournament, where information technology can jump effectually the field earlier attacking the opponent with a deadly Night Slash.


30. Snorlax

This adorable Totoro impersonator was the original roadblock that blocked players progress. Rotund and lazy, Snorlax was the heaviest Pokémon for years until it was rolled off its throne in Ruby/Sapphire. Despite this it has been a fan favorite since its debut, with various merchandise and a render to the role of obstacle in X/Y. In Sun/Moon Snorlax got its own hilarious Z-Motility called Pulverizing Pancake. With all this in-game honey it'due south no wonder why this sloth-like monster has been a fan-favorite, even if it took well-nigh xx years for its sprite to get upwards.


29. Lucario

Back when Super Smash Bros. Brawl was announced, many people were upset to see this newcomer brand the cut over Mewtwo. Both Pokémon played similarly but Lucario turned out to be a more than loftier stakes graphic symbol. Lucario deals damage based on how much information technology's been hurt and whether it's winning or losing making it the ultimate comeback grapheme. This blue canine was also featured in its own moving-picture show as well as on the cover for Pokkén Tournament.

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28. Eevee

Evolution is one of the defining aspects of the Pokémon series. Changing a Pokémon's form in order to go far stronger is tantamount to becoming a Pokémon master. Eevee best represents this thought with 8 different evolutions to choose from ranging a variety of types. Each of these "Eeveelutions" has garnered its own fan base, making Eevee a fairly sought subsequently Pokémon. Information technology served every bit the starter Pokémon both for Gary Oak in the anime, Blueish in Pokémon Yellow, and the main characters of the spin-off title Pokémon Conquest. The 8 evolutions might already seem a bit excessive, but it definitely seems like Game Freak volition give Eevee even more in the futurity.


27. Alakazam

Psychic types were ridiculously overpowered in the original trilogy of games, with Alakazam reigning as royalty for the ii years before the second generation released. It certainly is no slouch on information technology'south own though, with a high special attack stat and a slight rarity from having to be traded in order to evolve. That didn't cease many trainers from wanting i later seeing the gym leader Sabrina use it in battle. Alakazam is nonetheless a strength to be reckoned with even in the most recent generations thanks to its new-establish Mega Evolution.


26. Gyarados

No Pokémon exemplifies power through perseverance than the mighty Gyarados. Starting off every bit a pathetic Magikarp, just the nearly persistent trainer can pull the potential out of that floppy fish and plow it into a terror of the deep. Gyarados also has the honor of being the first shiny Pokémon well-nigh people encounter, when a Team Rocket plan forces a Magikarp to evolve early, turning information technology into a behemothic red powerhouse in the Lake of Rage.

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25. Dragonite

This large doofus Dragon was one of the biggest powerhouses of the kickoff generation of Pokémon games. The fully evolved form of Dratini, Dragonite tin can circle the world in only 16 hours pregnant it can go as fast as Mach ii. Dragonite was the strongest available monster in Pokémon Go'southward initial release with a Combat Indicate maximum of 3581. Information technology was also featured prominently in the first flick, handing out the invitations from Mewtwo to lure Trainers to its island lair. WHile Dragonite hasn't been featured in many games since, it managed to strike a absurd pose in Pokémon Snap and assistance players in Pokkén Tournament with a powerful Draco Meteor.


24. Nidoking

Having strength is one affair, but this monster tin can poison its enemies too, which makes for a terrifying predator. Also the myriad of Pokedex entries that betoken out the sheer power Nidoking can muster from it'south tail alone, this Pokemon was also a favorite of Giovanni, the leader of Squad Rocket and the final gym leader players would face on their first journeying. It is also one of the start to take an assigned gender along with Nidoqueen, equally this mechanic wasn't implemented until the next generation of games.


23. Xurkitree

Ultra Beasts are a new type of Pokemon introduced in Lord's day/Moon. These may not expect like the kinds of Pokemon you know simply there's a reason: they're from another dimension. Without spoiling also many plot details, these creatures are quite powerful, both in the lore and gainsay. Each one has an ability known as Fauna Boost, which raises whichever stat is strongest. Any ane of them tin tear through a team, but Xurkitree gets the spot for not but the most diverse movepool, but likewise just how terribly unsettling it looks.


22. Dialga

Time is a powerful plenty force in our lives that we refer to it as a fourth dimension that we cannot transcend. Pokemon lore dictates that time didn't fifty-fifty outset until Dialga was born and that it has complete control over it. While Palkia the controller of space deserves an honorary mention, Dialga has a whomping 10 types that information technology is resistant to making it a far more formidable opponent in actual play.


21. Venusaur

The first starter Pokémon many people chose is surprising viable afterwards all this time. Poison Pokémon types felt a new resurgence later it was revealed that they were a primary weakness for Fairy types. Venusaur's bulk made information technology a shoe in to defend against powerhouses like Azumarill, but its Mega Development was an even bigger wall. Mega Venusaur likewise gains the ability Thick Fat, which lessens the harm from some moves that would unremarkably be super-constructive. This continued viability makes it easy to fall in dearest with Venusaur over and over again.


xx. Deoxys

The origin story for Deoxys is a strange i. Information technology started off as an alien virus on a meteorite that mutated when exposed to a light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation beam. It isn't just a mindless drone though, as it's hyper intelligent and able to switch between four different forms. Each of these transformations has a dissimilar additional stat which Deoxys needs in its eternal battle with Rayquaza. This cataclysmic clash is i of the near riveting in the series with plenty of renditions both animated and in-game.


nineteen. Jigglypuff

This pouty puff put Ash and friends to sleep on more than one occasion but its shining moments have come from Boom Bros. of all places. In a game where spacing and air control are of import, Jigglypuff is a powerful contender that deals out corking harm even if it can't handle much in render. This is most exemplified in its motility Remainder, a double-edged sword that can instantly K.O the opponent just leaves Jigglypuff vulnerable subsequently.


18. Toxapex

The new Pokémon of Alola have certainly made a splash, just none as surprisingly equally the rare Toxapex. This shy Pokémon tin only be caught in an S.O.South battle against Corsola, which makes encountering happen as petty as 1% of 1% of the time. Still information technology's worth it for a Pokemon that is chop-chop becoming ane of the best defensive teammates in the game. Superb defense and only a few weaknesses means this monster tin withstand plenty of attacks and with the ability to poison means it'll outlast many opponents. We'll be seeing plenty more of this Pokémon in the competitive scene every bit well as the anime since it'due south pre-development has taken a liking to Team Rocket's very ain James.


17. Blissey

Each party fellow member on a team has a role to fulfill, helping the Trainer achieve victory through a variety of strategies. Blissey'south contribution has been a tank since its debut in 1999 and it's been 1 of the strongest contenders ever since. This Pokémon has the highest possible Hit Points of the entire serial, beating out legendaries and deities in its power to stand up its ground against near every attack. While Chansey is seeing a flake more utilize thank you to the Evolite particular, Blissey is nevertheless a contender for one of the toughest tanks around.


sixteen. Litten

Each starter from Sun/Moon seemed to get a ton of love whether it was the dapper Rowlet, dorky Popplio, or the adorable Litten. The other two didn't have nearly as much on the line as the burn cat though, as Trainers were agape that it would mark the render of the Fire/Fighting blazon-set that made up the fire starters for 3 generations of Pokémon games. Afterward it was revealed to have a Dark subtype instead, sporting a championship belt that drawed comparisons to the Heel cliche from wrestling shows. The commencement evolution is the near pop though, complimented by the sheer amount of merchandise released for it.


15. Wobbuffet

One look at this awkward bluish blob and you can tell something is just a little…off. Wobbuffet is the but Pokémon that can't acquire an offensive move. Instead information technology sits and waits for the opponent to hit information technology, before trying to dish the impairment dorsum out. A foreign byproduct of this pattern is when two Wobbuffet fighting can go on forever, with neither landing a killing blow, even when using Struggle. Its part in the anime was wonderfully comedic, always coming out at the worst time to say its proper name or to get Team Rocket in even more than problem. For an extra scrap of weirdness, there's a theory that its black tail is the actual Pokémon, as Wobbuffet will act violently if it is ever touched.


14. Sharpedo

Pretty much designed with x year olds in mind, Sharpedo is what you go when you combine a shark and a torpedo. It evolves from a piranha and the Pokédex refers to it equally "the bully of the sea" only this Pokémon isn't just a design reminiscent of the 90s. Sharpedo has the ability Speed Heave which when combined with its Mega Evolution can plow it into a blazingly fast glass cannon. It is also the fastest manner to utilise surf which allows players to ride the waves in record fourth dimension though you can't fish for other Pokémon when doing this. It'due south probably for the best given that a recent Pokédex entry states that Sharpedo were in one case on the brink of extinction from overfishing, adding a tragic backstory to this gaping maw of teeth.


13. Zygarde

Legendary Pokémon tend to lie in dungeons or are hands attainable by playing the story but Zygarde is an actual quest that takes y'all across the Alola region. Originally this Ground/Dragon appeared in Ten/Y though it was later revealed that this was its fifty% form. In Sun/Moon players must literally travel beyond the land, searching far and wide for the various cells that brand upwardly Zygarde in order to obtain this legendary beast.


12. Decidueye

It's strange for a Pokémon to change its typing so drastically later on an evolution. The Rowlet line starts off as Grass Flying but every bit soon every bit it evolves into Decidueye information technology changes its subtype to ghost. This is considering Decidueye is based on a species of bird that went extinct in Hawaii, adding a real world connection to Pokémon. Its signature move Spirit Shackle is amazingy useful equally information technology can either continue enemies from running abroad or be powered upward to Sinister Pointer Raid to do massive damage. The added Robin hood motif only makes this monster more endearing.


xi. MissingNo

One of the most well-known videogame glitches was a catchable Pokémon that became a playground legend. Players could trick the original games into thinking a small strip of state on Cinnabar Island is a patch of grass which allowed for all kinds of exploits. Pokémon from the Safari Zone could be caught this mode and items could be duplicated infinitely but the one thing that stood out is the infamous MissingNo. This sprite block could be above level 100 and when information technology was caught it would completely rewrite your Hall of Fame information. That didn't stop a ton of Trainers catching information technology, with rumors as to what it was spreading like wildfire. People had an fifty-fifty harder time figuring information technology out because MissingNo could take 5 dissimilar sprites depending on what you had named your Trainer. This sense of mystery has since become a part of the Pokémon series with the contempo Pokémon Get flooding the internet with theories from players the world over.


x. Garchomp

Out of the many pseudo-legendaries Garchomp is one of the most versatile. This dragon is able to tank almost annihilation besides super-constructive moves. This combined with its diverse movepool makes it an like shooting fish in a barrel choice for any team. While Mega Garchomp brings this to the next level, information technology isn't needed in most cases due to the shear strength of its normal grade.


9. Greninja

While all the starters are nigh and dear to someone, not all of them get the kind of dear that Greninja has. Its hidden power Protean immune it to change its typing to any motion it was using, making the frog uncommonly versatile in competitive play. Then in the anime it got a transformation called Ash-Greninja from its bond with Ketchum. This power boost eventually made its way to the games in Sunday/Moon, giving this ridiculous ninja frog ii different paths to kick butt with. Its no wonder why it won a popularity contest in Japan during a promotional event during 2016.


8. Mimikyu

It'southward easy to understand why whatsoever Pokémon would be jealous of the attending Pikachu gets, peculiarly a ghost with a visage said to curse anyone who sees information technology. Mimikyu might as well be called the cosplay Pokémon with its desperate attempt to emulate Pikachu for acceptance. It seems that the plan worked, with people the earth over falling in love with it. It isn't a slouch in gainsay either, with its Disguise power allowing it a costless plow without taking any damage. This opens up a plethora of possibilities that competitive players are notwithstanding wrestling with simply it's all wonderfully promising.


7. Blaziken

This burn/fighting fowl debuted as one of the three starters for Hoenn, only it wasn't until the introduction of Mega Evolution that this bird got to spread its wings. Coupled with the power Speed Boost, this monster can outspeed every Pokémon in just a few turns, catapulting it into the same tier shared by legendaries and other Pokémon gods.


6. Gengar

Anyone who turned on a Gameboy to get-go playing the original Pokémon knows of Gengar's might as it slashed at Nidorino during the intro. From there this original Ghost-type became a fan-favorite, offset as a spooky spirit before condign a squishy but powerful companion. Gengar'south various movepool allows information technology to cover a ton of Pokémon types while dealing out punishing hits. Its defences are adequately weak to make up for this, making Gengar a Pokémon that players must think critically about before using. This aforementioned process was used in Pokkén Tournament where it uses various tricks to keep the opponent guessing. Mega Gengar is extremely powerful in both games, with heightened speed making information technology even harder to pin down. While in that location are many reasons to fear this thrall of the night, Gengar has remained pop years and is a staple in all Pokémon Halloween festivities.


five. Rayquaza

At that place are enough of powerful Pokémon but this divine dragon gets bragging rights for being the absolute strongest. Already quite a contender in its regular class, Rayquaza tin can Mega Evolve from knowing a sure move, allowing it to still hold an item to heave it even further. This unbelieveable power and the ability to completely negate atmospheric condition furnishings solidified Mega-Rayquaza as the starting time Pokémon considered "above Uber," outclassing every other monster currently in existence.


4. Charizard

The embrace mascot for Pokémon Red, Charizard was one of the most prolific Pokémon during the original trilogy. Ash'due south Charizard was featured heavily in the anime, its defiant attitude used as an case of what happens if you lot don't take enough gym badges to earn the respect of your Pokémon. Charizard is one of the just Pokémon to have two Mega Evolutions, ane that keeps its same typing while the other turns into a Burn/Dragon. It is the just Pokémon to transition from a Pokéball summon to a complete graphic symbol in Super Boom Bros. , where it uses moves similar Rock Smash and Mega Evolves to decimate opponents. It relies on similar tactics in Pokkén Tournament though it can employ even more powerful moves in its Mega Evolution. Charizard may seem similar a giant scary dragon, merely for many people this was the offset Pokémon they always savage in honey with.


3. Suicune

The cover mascot for Pokémon Crystal, Suicune added some of the biggest story elements to one of the longest Pokémon games e'er fabricated. The chase afterward Suicune makes it experience like an chance in itself as it races off several times before finding the player worthy of confrontation. It's no slouch in gainsay existence considered viable even now and one of the most hotly contested characters in Pokkén Tournament. Suicune has too seen plenty of blithe appearances including an episode of Pokémon Generations dedicated to its origin. It may not be the most powerful legendary on this list but Suicune opened up the Pokémon games to a larger narrative construction than just "cease the bad guys from stealing the Pokémon" that saddled the releases before Crystal.


ii. Pikachu

It's hard to find a soul on this Globe who doesn't know who Pikachu is. It is by far the most famous Pokémon, appearing in every game and multiple pieces of merchandise including 109 unlike trading cards. It is the simply Pokémon to have its anime voice used equally its in-game cry and has the most event-sectional moves of whatever Pokémon. In Pokkén Tournament there is the choice to option between two Pikachu, a normal one and a female masked wrestler that takes its look from the special Cosplay Pikachu given out in Omega Ruby/ Alpha Sapphire. It's impossible to fully state the impact of Pikachu on the Pokémon franchise, just information technology is possibly the most influential in the success of the entire serial.


one. Mewtwo

Pikachu may be the mascot for Pokémon, but Mewtwo has been important to the series in ways that little rodent could only dream of. Mewtwo was the first penultimate boss, proving the toughest challenge in the original games. Its power was then brought to some other level with the release of Mega Evolutions. Both of Mewtwo's Megas have the highest stat for the type of assail they utilize and are tied with Mega Rayquaza for stat totals. This authority isn't limited to the mainline games either, with Mewtwo serving as a boss in everything from Pokémon Pinball to Pokkén Tournament. If that wasn't impressive enough, this psychic cat is the star of the first Pokémon movie and technically the first monster revealed in the anime since information technology glides across the screen for the intro. Mewtwo has managed to stay relevant for over 20 years without the aforementioned exposure as Pikachu, which itself is a testament to its amazing staying power as one of the near powerful Pokémon.


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Paste commissioned this listing with one condition: that Psyduck be featured prominently. We know that Psyduck isn't the near popular amid diehard Pokémon fans, but we also know that the about passionate followers of something tin often be so deeply entrenched in fan culture that they lose sight of the larger cultural implications of the matter they love. Loving Pokémon doesn't necessarily mean that you're likewise rooted in that culture to truly see the grace, beauty and wisdom of Psyduck, but it does happen, so we've been vigilant to prevent our own list from succumbing to that fate.

As nosotros talked virtually this, though, we realized something: Psyduck is too important to be bars past a list. Psyduck truly transcends the earth of Pokémon. Utterly ambrosial and yet subject field to constant psychic anguish, Psyduck is like a Charles Schulz cartoon in Pokémon course. Psyduck is the Charlie Brownish of games, lovable and yet constantly unloved, a symbol of the pain and low of life, but also of its perseverance. Similar Charlie Brown, Psyduck doesn't win in the end, but Psyduck also never gives up. Psyduck is also oblivious to requite up. Psyduck waddles almost life vacillating betwixt defoliation and indifference, mustering upwardly every bit of gumption in its tiny little body solely to keep going in the face up of an uncaring universe. Psyduck is every homo, and every woman, and a strong reminder that fine art, including games (and, only this once, anime, we guess), tin can sometimes say something far more enlightened and enlightening than it ever intended to.—Ed.

Kevin Slackie likes to play videogames and ride motorcycles though not at the same time. He's been playing Pokémon for far too long and tin't wait for his next trip to Japan and then he can finally buy that life-sized Bulbasaur.

What Is The Best Pokémon,


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