Star Wars Royal Guard Art
- "Those were Regal Guards, Lando. The Emperor's personal protectors—handpicked from the very all-time of his forces. Out of millions of soldiers, they are unsurpassed."
- ―Korin Pers, to Lando Calrissian
The Emperor's Imperial Guard, besides known as the Reddish Guard, Imperial Royal Guard, the Purple Guard, or only the Royal Guard, and nether the Galactic Republic equally the Red Baby-sit, was an elite unit whose members served equally personal bodyguards to the Galactic Emperor. In add-on to strict requirements of size, forcefulness, intelligence, and loyalty, only the about skilled soldiers in the Royal Military qualified for duty in the Purple Guard. The Imperial Purple Guard were also occasionally assigned to provide protection to members of the Imperial Ruling Quango and the Emperor'south right-hand, Darth Vader.
The origins of the ruddy-clad Royal Guard dated back to the time of the Separatist Crisis, when Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine crafted an order of protectors, named the Red Guard, that stood apart from the cerulean-clad Senate Baby-sit during the Galactic Commonwealth's twilight. Over the course of the Clone Wars, the Red Baby-sit gradually supplanted the Senate Guard and its elite sub-unit of measurement, the Senate Commandos, as the chancellor's bodyguards. By the end of the Clone Wars, Palpatine proclaimed himself Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Equally a consequence, Senate Guards were completely phased out of service and replaced by the chancellor's Red Guards, who were henceforth known as the Royal Guard.
Emperor Palpatine sealed himself away from the populace throughout his reign. On the rare occasions of his public appearances, he was always accompanied past members of the Royal Baby-sit. In the decades that followed Palpatine's death and the subsequent fall of the Empire at the Battle of Jakku, a new gild of protectors was crafted by Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order. Modeled on the Emperor's Royal Guard, the Elite Praetorian Guard consisted of 8 warriors who wore ornate crimson armor, wielded an array of melee weapons, and specialized in martial arts, such as Teräs Käsi. Likewise, the reborn Emperor Palpatine revived his employment of cherry-clad guardsmen through the Sovereign Protectors, selected from the finest Sith troopers the Sith Eternal had readied.
Description [ ]

Royal Guards wore red robes and armor, and were armed with forcefulness pikes.
The Emperor'due south Royal Guards were reputedly the most skilled warriors in the forces of the Galactic Empire; out of millions of soldiers, Emperor Palpatine's guards were unsurpassed in skill and status.[xi] During the era of the Empire, the Royal Baby-sit consisted of conscripts and at to the lowest degree one clone trooper.[2] The qualifications for joining the Baby-sit's ranks included force, intelligence, and loyalty.[12] Candidates for the Guard had to come across the bones summit requirement of 1.83 meters.[ane]
In addition to receiving advanced training in many forms of gainsay, Royal Guards were trained to be unquestionably loyal to Emperor Palpatine. The Emperor'south word was considered law and his guards would obey his orders without question or hesitation, even if information technology meant killing one of their own. The Guards were besides among the few beings in the galaxy whom the Emperor trusted with the knowledge of his undercover identity equally a Sith Lord, knowing they would speak of it to no ane, not even among themselves.[2] Though their primary duty was to the Emperor, in some cases the Royal Guards were also at the disposal of his second in command, Darth Vader,[13] and other upper-level figures such every bit General Jylia Shale,[7] M Vizier Mas Amedda and Grand Admiral Rae Sloane.[xiv] Due to their little motion, they were sometimes believed to accept been droids instead of individuals.[10]

A Royal Guard with some other set of equipment.
Despite the combat skills of the Imperial Guard, the Emperor was confident in his Force powers to the extent that he did not believe he required a bodyguard unit of measurement. Even so, he constitute over the form of his reign that the crimson-clad guards served well to impress and intimidate those who saw them. Additionally, they served the purpose of defending the Emperor in situations where he did not wish to utilise his Force powers.[2] As such, he never felt inclined to dispense with them every bit a unit.[fifteen]
History [ ]
Republic era [ ]
During the decline of the Galactic Republic, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine created[12] the Cherry-red Baby-sit[16]—a cohort of personal elite bodyguards that stood apart from the rest of his forces, including the cerulean-clad members of the Senate Baby-sit,[12] from which they were handpicked.[x] Over time, Palpatine came to favor his ruddy-clad carmine guards over the blue guards of the Galactic Senate and even the elite Senate Commandos.[17] Armed with force pikes,[v] the red guards' flowing ruddy robes and sleek, featureless scarlet masks blended in with the crimson-walled function of the chancellor.[12]

During the fall of the Republic, the Supreme Chancellor was protected by a cohort of cherry-clad guards, the Scarlet Baby-sit.
The ruby-robed guards were formed prior to the Clone Wars[5] and were in place by 28 BBY,[8] with the newly-appointed Senator Padmé Amidala noting that they were a much more intimidating security force than the Senate Guard,[18] though Palpatine retained the service of the Senate Guard[xix] and commandos during the early on menstruation of the pan-galactic conflict.[20] Subsequently Captain Faro Argyus of the Senate Commandos revealed himself to be a traitor, the Senate Baby-sit'due south loyalty was put into question, and Palpatine took the opportunity to aggrandize the Red Guard in the ensuing scandal. When Carmine Guards were out of uniform, they conducted official visits and covert operations in locations where the Supreme Chancellor was scheduled to visit. The Cerise Baby-sit also scouted traveling locations, support routes, handled logistics, and created evacuation plans. On Coruscant, such events may have required thousands of hours of work. The Guard also investigated credible threats against Palpatine, whether they be just graffiti to HoloNet broadcasts.[ten]
Past 19 BBY, approximately 3 years after the First Battle of Geonosis,[21] the Red Guard and Coruscant Guard clone shock troopers had all merely supplanted the Senate Guard as the chancellor's protectors.[22]
Purple era [ ]

On rare occasions the Emperor could be seen in public, just always in the presence of his Royal Guards.
By the war'due south end[23] in nineteen BBY,[21] Chancellor Palpatine declared himself Emperor of the galaxy and thereby transformed the Commonwealth into the Galactic Empire.[23] Under the new government, the Emperor continued to favor the Regal Royal Guard, formerly the chancellor's Ruby Guard, as his personal security strength which, in turn, led to the dissolution of the Senate Guard.[1] During the first days of Palpatine's reign, the bodyguards were responsible for the Emperor'south security on the galactic capital earth of Coruscant. Off-world, however, the Emperor was accompanied past a detachment of daze troopers of the Coruscant Guard.[23] Equally the years passed, Palpatine sealed himself away from the populace, having discarded his facade every bit a friendly, kind-hearted politico[12] in order to fully embrace his true identity as Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith.[ane] On rare occasions he would brand a public appearance, but always in the visitor of the Purple Baby-sit.[12]
During the early years of the Empire, a division of the Royal Guard was stationed in the Inquisitorius Headquarters—a skyscraper located in the Industrial District of Coruscant—which served equally a training facility for the Emperor'south Jedi hunters, known as the Inquisitorius.[24] In 14 BBY,[21] several Royal Guards accompanied Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Vader, to Ryloth where the Lords of the Sith sought to lure the Free Ryloth Movement out of hiding. Most of the guardsmen were killed when Vader's shuttle crash-landed in the planet's equatorial wood. Two guards, Sergeant Erstin Deez and a captain who in one case served in the Grand Army of the Republic as a clone trooper, survived the crash along with Vader and his Sith Master, Sidious. The captain was later killed by lyleks, but Deez was able to survive long enough for Moff Delian Mors' Imperial troops to rescue the Sith.[2]

A trio of light-armored Imperial Guards served aboard the Chimaera.
A trio of Royal Guards, without their common robes, were stationed aboard the Chimaera, flagship of the 7th Fleet led by Grand Admiral Thrawn, during the liberation of Lothal. The Emperor commanded the men to execute Padawan Ezra Bridger, having failed to utilize the young Jedi in his plan to command the Earth Between Worlds. Using modified pikes with magnetic clamps to subdue their Force-sensitive target, the guards held Bridger notwithstanding while a squad of stormtroopers attempted to shoot him. All the same, Bridger used the Strength to bung several boulders and rocks from a stolen piece of the Lothal Jedi Temple at his attackers, crushing them.[half dozen]

A detachment of the Purple Guard was stationed in Vader's castle on Mustafar.
Although the Emperor's safety was the primary responsibleness of the Imperial Baby-sit,[1] Sidious did not brand exclusive utilize of them. Past 0 BBY,[25] two Royal Guards were stationed in Fortress Vader on Mustafar.[thirteen] They acted as sentinels protecting the Emperor'due south right-mitt, usually while he rested in his bacta tank.[13] During the Galactic Ceremonious State of war, Guards were often used in boxing as assassins,[26] armed with force pikes, vibroblades, and many other concealed weapons.[2] Following the Boxing of Yavin, ii Royal Guards were stationed aboard the Emperor'south luxury yacht Imperialis while information technology was undergoing a refit at Sienar Fleet Systems' Orbital Shipyard CC-24 above the planet Castell.[27] They guarded the vessel'south cardinal chamber which stored several Sith artifacts including the mask of Lord Momin.[28] After Lando Calrissian and his companions stole the Imperialis, one of the guards stabbed Lobot with a vibroblade.[27] The guards were and so killed by the alien clone warriors Aleksin and Pavol. Korin Pers discovered that the guards had been corrupted past the dark side of the Strength.[11] In the same year, a special variant was in service of Commander Karbin featuring a distinctive expect. These variants wore armor fitted for combat in the front lines.[29]

Royal Guards escorted the Emperor to the Expiry Star 2, where their sovereign would ultimately dice.
In 4 ABY,[21] several Royal Guards accompanied the Emperor to the second Death Star orbiting the forest moon of Endor. Prior to the arrival of the Rebel Alliance Fleet, the Emperor dismissed the Guards from his throne room, leaving Sidious solitary with Vader and the latter's son, the Jedi-aspirant Luke Skywalker. As a issue, the guards were not present to protect the Emperor when Vader turned confronting his Master in a terminal-ditch effort to save his son'due south life. With the Emperor'due south death and the victory of the Alliance, the Boxing of Endor was a turning indicate that marked the beginning of the cease for the Empire.[30]
Imperial Guards were stationed at the Palpatine Annal in the Coruscant arrangement, and attempted to stop the thieving Calrissian and Jaxxon, who were later the Totem of Saglanost shortly later the Empire'southward debacle at Endor.[31]
New Commonwealth era [ ]

A Royal Guard fought and died on Jakku, the site of the last battle of the Galactic Civil War.
The Royal Guard continued to serve the Empire despite the loss of their Emperor, serving every bit bodyguards for several loftier-ranking Imperial officers such equally Full general Jylia Shale and Grand Admiral Rae Sloane. Two Royal Guardsmen acted as Shale's security detail at the emergency summit on Akiva;[7] another two Guards escorted Sloane to the New Democracy capital of Chandrila[14] in 5 ABY,[32] where the Grand Admiral sought to negotiate an stop to hostilities between the Empire and Democracy. To Sloane's surprise, the Empire'due south overtures of peace were a ruse for launching a surprise set on on Chandrila, orchestrated by Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. During the attack, Sloane's Royal Guards attacked and killed several New Republic Senate Guards who escorted the Imperial entourage to the peace summit.[14]
Presently after the assault on Chandrila, a the Empire rallied to the barren globe of Jakku under Rax's leadership as Counselor to the Empire.[33] One of the soldiers in Rax'due south army was a Purple Guard, who ultimately perished during the Boxing of Jakku. The baby-sit who vicious at Jakku was survived by his sis, Arliz Hadrassian, an agent of the Purple Security Agency. Hadrassian went on to become the leader of the Amaxine warriors[34] past 28 ABY,[21] roughly two decades afterward[34] the Empire capitulated to the Commonwealth.[33] By then, she had sold her late brother'due south Majestic Guard helmet to Senator Ransolm Casterfo, a Centrist politician with pro-Purple views.[34]
Legacy [ ]
During the Common cold State of war betwixt the Resistance and the First Society, Amanuensis Terex of the First Order Security Bureau had possession of a Royal Guard helmet aboard the Carrion Spike that was displayed side by side to the helmets of a shoretrooper, an AT-AT airplane pilot, a death trooper, and others, forth with a custom ready of armor.[35]

Inspired past the Emperor's Royal Baby-sit, the Elite Praetorian Guard served equally personal bodyguards of Supreme Leader Snoke.
The legacy of the Emperor's Royal Guard inspired the formation of the Elite Praetorian Guard. Like the imperial protectors who guarded Sidious during his reign over the Empire, the Praetorians functioned as the elite personal bodyguards of Supreme Leader Snoke, ruler of the Starting time Lodge. Consisting of eight sentinels trained to protect the Supreme Leader from whatever threat, the Praetorians were equipped with various melee weapons and ornate ruby-red armor deliberately echoing the equipment used by the Royal Guard.[36] In 34 ABY, the Praetorians attacked Rey and Kylo Ren later on the latter assassinated Snoke, resulting in a battle in which all eight guards were killed by the Master of the Knights of Ren and his new Jedi ally, assuasive the former to take the Supreme Leader title.[37]
By 35 ABY,[38] when the reborn Palpatine resurfaced on the aboriginal Sith world of Exegol, the Sovereign Protector had taken over the function as the Emperor'southward Guard.[39] The rank of these sentinels was solely bestowed upon the well-nigh proficient of Sith trooper,southward zealous soldiers brought up by the Sith Eternal[source?] to aid impose the Dark Lord's vision of a new Sith Empire. When Rey and Ben Solo confronted Palpatine during the Boxing of Exegol, the Sovereign Protectors attempted to protect their chief, simply were killed by the ii Jedi.[forty]
Equipment [ ]
- "What'south your name? And why do you lot wear that…suit?"
"My name is Sergeant, and it's my honor to wear this armor." - ―Ryloth resident Drua questions Regal Guard Erstin Deez

A Royal Baby-sit wielding an electrostaff
Royal Guards were completely covered in flowing blood-cherry robes and featureless cherry masks that concealed their faces.[23] At that place existed a variant of the uniform that lacked the robes and ceremonial helmet in favor of light armor, utilized past guards aboard the Purple Star Destroyer Chimaera.[half dozen] They wielded electrostaffs[41] and force pikes, a staff-similar weapon[42] with a vibro-edged head.[43] Additionally, their robes hid a heavy blaster pistol, a vibroblade, and various other weaponry.[ii] When on the battleground, Purple Guards would abandon their traditional weapons in favor of an arsenal better suited for combat, including the T-21 light repeating equalizer, Smart Rocket, and the homing shot.[44]
Backside the scenes [ ]
The Baby-sit first appeared in the 1983 movie Star Wars: Episode VI Render of the Jedi. Their design came from sketches by Nilo Rodis-Jamero. The conceptual drawings varied from centurion-similar warriors to priest-like monks, but a common thread tying those designs together was the deep cherry hue.[45]
In the 2016 video game LEGO Star Wars: The Forcefulness Awakens, during the prologue'south adaptation of Return of the Jedi, the Imperial Guards were non dismissed past the Emperor, and instead actively defended the Sith when Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader turned against him. However, the Majestic Guardsmen were ultimately no match for the ii Force-wielders, allowing for the literal overthrowing of the Sith, afterwhich the Guards witnessed the redeemed Vader, who had sustained much injuries during the battle, express love in his last moments to his Jedi son, during which one Guard complanate into tears to the emotional exchange, much to the badgerer of Luke Skywalker, as the other Guardsmen gave psychological support.[46]
Appearances [ ]
Non-catechism appearances [ ]
Sources [ ]
Notes and references [ ]
External links [ ]
Emperor's Purple Guard on Wikipedia
Star Wars Royal Guard Art,
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