
Wrath Of The Lich King Best Classes

For classes in Warcraft RPG - may not be canon Warcraft RPG, see RPG classes. For a brusque description on class lore, see Class lore.
Classes due east Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
Grade races Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Quests Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Abilities Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Spec Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Talents Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
PvP Talents Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Trainers Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Glyphs Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Builds Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Tactics Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Armor sets Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Starting a Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
PvE Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
PvP Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Macros Dk Dh Dr Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr

A course is the principal adventuring manner of a thespian grapheme which determines the type of weapons and armor information technology can apply, as well equally what abilities, powers, skills, and spells it will gain throughout its adventures.

Be aware that the choice of which class to play is constrained by the pick of race; each race has a unlike grouping of available classes to choose from.

Each form has 3 unique talent trees. As a grapheme progresses, they can specialize their skills by assigning class talent points in any of the copse for their class. There are three talent copse for each class. For example, a druid tin can place their talent points in Restoration, Feral, or Balance.

Collecting grade sets is a way players tin better a character when they have reached the level cap. Most dungeon and raid sets are made up of armor items designed specifically for the class; however, faction rewards sets likewise include trinkets and cervix pieces. When players collect more pieces of the prepare, they tin can receive fix bonuses.

Always remember that it doesn't matter what class you chose as long as you are willing to stand by information technology and don't give up. If your grade gets nerfed (or fabricated less powerful by Blizzard) ever recall that nerfs and buffs are like a pendulum, sooner or later on the pendulum is going to swing to your advantage.



  • 1 Brief summary of each class
    • 1.ane Original classes
    • 1.2 Expansion classes
      • ane.2.i Hero classes
  • 2 Grade roles
    • 2.ane Fable
    • 2.ii Ratings
  • 3 Class colors
  • 4 Share a class idea
  • 5 References
  • six See also
  • 7 External links

Cursory summary of each form

In that location are currently 10 playable classes in-game, merely the Decease knight hero class is only bachelor to those with at least the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Wrath of the Lich King expansion and a character with a level of 55 or higher.

Original classes

World of Warcraft Druid} Druid

Druid crest

Druids are versatile hybrids. They perform different roles using appropriate shape-shifting forms. They can have high armor and rage like a warrior in Acquit Form, stealth and fight in melee like a rogue in True cat Form, or heal and nuke with spells in humanoid form. Through talents, they tin enhance one or more than of these roles and even gain a new form for healing (Tree Form) or nuking (Moonkin Form). Their talent trees are Balance, for nuking, Feral, for melee damage, Guardian tanking capabilities, and lastly, Restoration, for healing. With roughly equivalent gear, talents appropriate to the office, and in the hands of a skilled player, they can be just as effective every bit 1 of the classes dedicated to each role. They also bring sure additional utility, such every bit boxing resurrection with Rebirth, and emergency or additional healing or tanking, should i of the people filling the chief role die, get offline, or otherwise be unable to fully manage with their function. Sure cardinal differences do still exist, giving them both advantages and disadvantages in whatsoever given role.

Hunter} Hunter

Hunter crest

Hunters are the merely form that can finer use ranged weapons (bows, guns, or crossbows) as a primary source of damage. Very adept at kiting, they take plenty of tools to allow them to avoid melee combat, which is not where their force lies. Hunters may tame many varieties of beasts to serve equally combat pets, which along with an array of scouting, tracking, and survival abilities make them excellent solo characters. The three talent specializations for hunters are Marksmanship, Creature Mastery, and Survival. While all Hunter specializations are considered DPS, they achieve this using slightly different methods: Marksmanship hunters benefit from weapon-based impairment bonuses to inflict high burst impairment; Beast Mastery hunters take specialized abilities that increase their pet's impairment output; Survival hunters have improved traps and shots to continue their enemies at a distance while their DOT's drain HP.

Mage} Mage

Mage crest

Mages are ranged magic harm dealers with very powerful direct and expanse of event damage spells, but in return have weak armor and defense force. Mages besides feature a diversity of utility spells, such as teleportation or the creation of portals to captial cities. The also feature the pop crowd control ability, Polymorph, and can even conjure nutrient and water. Considering of their various spells which include burst damage, they are frequently constructive at PvP regardless of their low armor. Their talent specializations include: Fire, which uses many Area of Result and Burst damage, Frost which offers great survivability and includes a permanent Water Elemental pet that aids in battles, and Cabalistic, which focuses on dealing high impairment to a specific target. Each of their talent trees are certain to provide a unique yet intriguing play style.

Paladin} Paladin

Paladin crest

Paladins are Holy warriors and are a hybrid grade. They can melee DPS, tank, or heal. Paladins also have very potent grouping support and vitrify abilities, arguably one of the best buffing and group support classes in the game. They can vesture heavy plate armor and carry shields, but are also efficient single target healers, which combine to produce their renowned immovability in combat. With talent specialization and equipment choice, Paladins tin can fill up the role of melee DPS, tank, offtank, or healer and excel when called upon to spot-make full all these roles in a group setting. While a Retribution paladin's DPS is slightly less than a pure dps class, they make up for it with their extremely useful utility spells, buffs and auras. Their 3 talent trees are Holy, Retribution, and Protection.
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade With the release of the Burning Crusade, paladins are no longer sectional to the Alliance. Blood Elves (Horde) can now play as paladins.
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm With the release of Calamity Tauren are able to play as paladins. Note that you can be a tauren paladin or any new class-race philharmonic, regardless of which expansion packs you have.

Priest} Priest

Priest crest

Priests are arguably the most versatile healing form in the game. Priests can be powerful in healing a single character or many allies at once. Priests take a variety of utility spells, along with a few tricks, such as Mind Command and the extremely useful Dispel Magic and Cure Disease. Priests are also known for their shields equally they can exist used to prevent damage to both the priest and allies, providing a very efficient even so dissimilar healing experience. Furthermore, Priests tin also specialize in offensive shadow magic, gaining the power to assume Shadowform, and at college levels regenerating mana speedily for their entire party.

Rogue} Rogue

Rogue crest

Rogues excel at dealing melee impairment and incapacitating their foes, particularly low health and depression armor targets such as casters. Stealth gives them a tactical advantage and allows them to start a fight on their own terms. Other of import abilities include lockpicking and the treatment of poisons. Also, a huge power is the rogue's ability to stun and incapacitate for a large period of time. This, paired with the rogue's high damage, gives him a huge edge over his opponent. Rogues do not apply mana for their combat abilities. Instead they use free energy and generate combo points which are used to execute finishing moves.

Shaman} Shaman

Shaman crest

Shamans are ane of the most versatile classes in the game equally they can switch seamlessly from offensive pulley to healer to melee DPS as needed, though at later levels they often specialize in 1 of these roles. Shamans can provide good support to a party, with the ability to step in and fill any role that may be lacking at the moment. Their high outburst damage and healing also make them quite good at PvP. They are able to drib stationary totems on the basis which provide a diversity of effects, many of which are useful to the entire raid. They are unique in that they can provide complete wipe recovery by self-resurrecting and so resurrecting the remainder of the political party.
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade With the release of the Burning Crusade, shamans are no longer exclusive to the Horde. Draenei (Alliance) can now play as shaman.
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm With the release of Cataclysm Dwarves are able to play as shamans. Note that you tin be a dwarf shaman or whatsoever new class-race combo, regardless of which expansion packs you have.

Warlock} Warlock

Warlock crest

Warlocks enslave demons and telephone call upon nighttime magic and curses to dominate and destroy their foes. Similar hunters, warlocks employ combat pets, simply these are summoned demons rather than tamed beasts. They are primarily ranged magic damage dealers with a focus on impairment over time in improver to nukes and AoE, but lack the farthermost burst harm capabilities of a mage. Demon pets and fear spells give them a variety of tactical options, and they accept several utility spells and abilities, including summoning party members and creating healthstones and soulstones.

Warrior} Warrior

Warrior crest

Warriors are close-combat fighters and usually fill the role of main tank or offtank, as they are able to both withstand and inflict fierce physical punishment and take the about versatile ways of generating threat and keeping aggro off other characters. They can also contribute very strong melee DPS when needed. Warrior abilities utilize rage, which is generated by dealing and taking damage, but decays over time while not in gainsay. Warriors are highly dependent on their gear, as their ability to deal and take damage is controlled directly past the quality and effects of their weapons and armor.

Expansion classes

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content sectional to Mists of Pandaria.

Monk} Monk

Monk crest.png

Monks are a new hybrid form. They perform melee DPS, tanking, and healing roles. Their talent trees are Windwalker for melee damage, Brewmaster for tanking capabilities, and lastly, Mistweaver for healing. They use pole arms, staves, one-handed weapons, and fist weapons. They volition use cloth and leather for armor with agility and intellect as stat bonuses. They're too the newest form that uses the chi system, which, like death knights and warriors, build up chi (runes for DKs and rage for warriors), and pull off finishers (like rogues) with their weapons.
Unlike originally planned, the Monk will have an Auto-assail.[1]

Hero classes

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King This section concerns content sectional to Wrath of the Lich King.

Death knight Decease knight World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

Death knight crest

The death knight combines martial prowess with dark, necromantic energies. It is the first hero class in Globe of Warcraft. Having a non-hero-course grapheme at level 55 or above is (the only) prerequisite to be able to create a death knight. Expiry knights start at level 55 in a new starting expanse in the Eastern Plaguelands with multiple spells and abilities ready to use.
They are a hybrid form, able to tank and/or bargain harm. They are a melee class with casting abilities similar the paladin, and can heighten undead minions. Although they will accept minions, they will non be a pet class (unless they have advisable talent), just volition use some of their mechanics. They are the only class to employ the rune resource system. It is likewise notable that death knights take their ain talent copse comparable to current classes.

Class roles

World of Warcraft This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft.

Base starting stats tin can be found on the race page.

view | talk

Course Alliance Alliance Both (Alliance and Horde) Both Horde Horde Specialty Roles
Draenei Draenei Ironforge dwarf Ironforge dwarf Gnome Gnome Human Human Night elf Night elf Worgen Worgen Pandaren Pandaren Blood elf Blood elf Goblin Goblin Orc Orc Tauren Tauren Troll Troll Forsaken Forsaken DPS AoE Heal Tank CC Pull Buff DBf MA
Druid Druid 2+ane 2 3+1 three+i 3^ iii 3 1+1 i
Hunter Hunter iii+i 2 0 1+1 iii (4) one 1 (4)
Mage Mage (4) (4) 0 0 3^+ane 1 2 0+i 3
Monk Monk ? (?) ? ? (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)
Paladin Paladin 2+one 2 two+2 three+1 1^ 0+one 4 ane 3
Priest Priest ii+one 0+1 (4) 0+1 2^ 1 three+one 1+3 0
Rogue Rogue (four) 0+ane 0 ane+1 2+1^ three 0 two* (iv)
Shaman Shaman 2+1 1+1 ii+two 2+1 1 ane 4 2 1
Warlock Warlock 3+1 2+i 0 0+1 3^ 3 1 (iii+one) 2
Warrior Warrior 2+1 1+1 0 (4) ane 3 1 2 2
Death Knight DK 2+one ii one three+1 2^ 0+i 1 1 3



New This race/class combo added in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Globe of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
AoE Effectiveness at dealing impairment to multiple enemies (AoE stands for "Area of Event")
Heal Effectiveness of healing
Tank Effectiveness at property aggro and soaking upwardly damage.
CC Ability to command crowds of mobs or enemies
Pull Effectiveness at pulling
Vitrify Effectiveness of buffing others
DBf Effectiveness of debuffing enemies. This includes from DoTs and other weakening effects.
MA Usefulness as the master assist, the 1 of the group calling the adjacent target for all members
DPS Effectiveness of dealing impairment ("Harm per Second")


These ratings are the opinions of WoWWikians and should hopefully exist defended in the give-and-take page.
iv =  All-time grade for this role
3 =  Very skillful class for this role
2 =  Proficient class for this part
1 =  Course capable in this role
0 =  Class unable to fill up this part
(x) =  "All-time of the best" class for this role (may depend on specific encounters)
^ =  Merely against specific type of enemy (beasts, humanoids, demons, etc)

Marks in blueish denote enhancements that can be made via talents.

Grade colors

World of Warcraft This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft.

The raid UI, addons and many other resources employ the grade colors in order to differentiate each class at a glance.

Primary commodity: Class ideas


  1. ^ TankSpot, from Blizzard Entertainment 2012-03-19. MoP Press Tour Interview with Ghostcrawler. TankSpot (U.s.a.).

Run across as well

  • Choosing a class
  • Grade proficiencies
  • Class sets
  • Hero class

External links


Wrath Of The Lich King Best Classes,


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